Two long weekends of Open Studios :
24-26 MAY and 30 MAY-1 JUNE : 11am to 5pm daily

Kirsty Banks

Mixed Media Textiles, Photography and Film Installation

I am a visual Artist inspired by the Arctic and the Ocean.

My work is shaped by residencies in Svalbard, exploring the beauty and fragility of Sea Ice, Glaciers and the disappearing Arctic landscapes.

Working in Mixed media, Photography and Textiles, I capture the ever changing nature of these environments. My work -1.8°C symbolizing the loss of Sea Ice as the planet warms.

My practice is also evolving into video and film installation here in Cornwall, documenting the oceans shifting light and temperature through my daily sea swimming.

Studio 139

Mid Cornwall

204d krowji studios
west park, redruth
TR15 3EG

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See all artists at Krowji

Studio information

My studio is on the 2nd floor of the percy Williams Building, which is signposted. The entrance is very close to the car park.

If the outer door is locked, please dial 204 on the intercom.

My studio is in a shared space.

There is a lift in the Percy Williams Building to access the 2nd floor.

On-site parking
Toilet facilities
Family friendly
Open all year round by appointment

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