Two long weekends of Open Studios :
24-26 MAY and 30 MAY-1 JUNE : 11am to 5pm daily

Kleiner Shames

Drawing, glass, installation, mixed media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, textiles, wood

Kleiner Shames is a self taught artist born in Oxford, 1988.

With strong links to his 20 plus year background in painting graffiti and year's hand painting more traditional signs, his work takes form in processes such as painting, screen printing, layered wooden assemblages and most recently sculptural experiments.
While still maintaining a catalogue of large murals around the country and farther afield..

Studio 62

West Cornwall

23-24 jennings street
TR18 2LU

Get directions on Google Maps

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Studio information

Studio is found at the top of Jennings Street. The building is painted black.

Unfortunately the studio space does not have wheelchair access. 
There are three stairs and a step to enter the building. 

On-site parking
Family friendly
Open all year round by appointment

Artists nearby
