Two long weekends of Open Studios :
24-26 MAY and 30 MAY-1 JUNE : 11am to 5pm daily

Tee-J Randall

Digital images, drawing, mixed media, painting

I moved to Cornwall from the fens with my family in 2006, re-establishing Cornish roots set down by previous generations of my family. The space, light and vibrant colour of this area have certainly influenced my work. Coming from the flatlands, horizons have always been the dominant feature of a landscape and as I develop my practise it becomes clearer to me that my instinct is to explore how that horizontal line frames a view, anchoring the lines and layers of form either side.

My current practice is focussed on figures and faces in abstracted landscapes. Following on from my 'Donate Your Face' project in 2024, I have the pleasure of working with 25 new faces complimented by the time spent with strangers in a gallery.

I produce pieces in a wide variety of styles. I equate this to my experience in and passion for choreographing / dancing in many diverse styles to an eclectic sound archive. All equally stimulating and fascinating.

Studio 163

Mid Cornwall

6 polwithen road

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Studio information

2 minute walk from Penryn College / Rugby Club. 10 minute gentle uphill walk from Penryn Train Station. 69A bus.

From Asda, head towards Penryn, over Rugby Club roundabout, turn left onto Poltisko Road and then immediately right onto Polwithen Road. No 6 is a few houses down on the right. 

From Penryn Train Station, turn right and head up the hill, turn right onto the blue bridge. Carry on through traffic lights. Turn right onto Poltisko Road and then immediately right onto Polwithen Road. No 6 is a few houses down on the right. 

Just two steps up to main access.

Toilet facilities
Family friendly

Artists nearby
